

Six years ago, I was lucky to join this original German/Czech/Vietnamese documentary theater project Vung Bien Gioi/Hraniční přechod/Grenzgebiet about Vietnamese diaspora, directed by one and only Rimini Protokoll (who are coming to Prague this November BTW! Follow Pražský divadelní festival německého jazyka for updates.)

After a month of rehearsing the piece in Dresden, we debuted at Staatsbühne Dresden on 9. 10. 2009.
This was such an adventure full of travelling, hearing unbelievable personal stories across generations and boarders, and of course speaking German, my favorite.

We also performed at Nová Scéna in February 2011.

Those of you who are interested in history of Vietnamese diaspora living either in Germany or the Czech Republic, feel free to go through all the materials collected during the research. The texts are in Vietnamese, Czech, and German.

Watch the trailer on Vimeo. Click below, due to privacy settings, the video cannot be played here.