Malá / The Little One (2017) from Diana Cam Van Nguyen on Vimeo.
Podívejte se na krásný a cenami ověnčený krátký film česko-vietnamské animátorky a režisérky Diany Cam Van Nguyen, který se věnuje tomu, jaké je dospívání v zemi, odkud nepocházíte, kde vypadáte jinak. Měla jsem tu čest namluvit velkou Rong.
Z oficiálního popisku k filmu na Vimeo:
The Little One says the story of a small girl Rong who lives in the Czech Republic as a foreigner. While growing up Rong experiences various unpleasant situations connected to her Vietnamese origin – looking different from the other children. Getting older Rong gains self-confidence and as an older sister she can even support her sister Lilly in the same struggles – teaches her that being different does not mean being worse.
director: Diana Cam Van Nguyen
screenplay: Diana Cam Van Nguyen, Vojtěch Bohuslav
sound and music: Viera Marinová
editing: Edgar Ortiz
production: Karolína Pojarová (Davidová)
animation: Marek Berger, Filip Javora, Diana Cam Van Nguyen, Bára Anna Stejskalová, Martina Chwistková